Development and efficacy of a bycatch reduction device for Wisconsin-type fyke nets deployed in freshwater systems
Published source details
Fratto Z.W., Barko V.A. & Scheibe J.S. (2008) Development and efficacy of a bycatch reduction device for Wisconsin-type fyke nets deployed in freshwater systems. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 7, 205-212.
Published source details Fratto Z.W., Barko V.A. & Scheibe J.S. (2008) Development and efficacy of a bycatch reduction device for Wisconsin-type fyke nets deployed in freshwater systems. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 7, 205-212.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Install exclusion devices on fishing gear: Tortoises, terrapins, side-necked & softshell turtles Action Link |
Install exclusion devices on fishing gear: Tortoises, terrapins, side-necked & softshell turtles
A replicated, paired, controlled study in 2005–2006 in 34 sites in three river systems in Missouri, USA (Fratto, Barko & Scheibe 2008) found that modifying fyke nets (a ‘bycatch reduction device’) by tying ropes across the entrance resulted in fewer turtles being captured compared to when nets were not modified. Fewer turtles were caught in modified nets (331) compared to unmodified nets (1,355). The average number of turtles caught/night was lower for three of nine species in modified (0–0.2 turtles/night) compared to unmodified nets (0.6–1.4 turtles/night) and similar in modified and unmodified nets for the remaining six species (see paper for details). There was no significant difference in the number of fish caught (modified: 478; unmodified: 415), the number of fish species caught (modified: 23; unmodified: 29), or average catch/night (modified: 0–5 fish/night; unmodified: 0–3 fish/night) in modified compared to unmodified nets. The fyke net was modified by tying four braided ropes (3 mm) vertically (38 mm apart) and three horizontally across the entrance. In 2005–2006, pairs of modified and unmodified nets were deployed ≥100 m apart at 34 sites, including rivers, side channels, backwaters and floodplains. Nets were deployed for 24 hours at each site, and all turtles and fish were counted, identified to species and released.
(Summarised by: William Morgan)
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