Wetland plant responses to varying degrees of purple loosestrife removal in southeastern Ontario, Canada
Published source details
Gabor T.S., Haagsma T. & Murkin H.R. (1996) Wetland plant responses to varying degrees of purple loosestrife removal in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Wetlands, 16, 95-98.
Published source details Gabor T.S., Haagsma T. & Murkin H.R. (1996) Wetland plant responses to varying degrees of purple loosestrife removal in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Wetlands, 16, 95-98.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Use herbicide to control problematic plants: freshwater marshes Action Link |
Use herbicide to control problematic plants: freshwater marshes
A replicated, randomized, paired, controlled study in 1991–1994 in a floating freshwater marsh invaded by purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria in Ontario, Canada (Gabor et al. 1996) found that the effect of spraying herbicide on the density of sedges, grasses and purple loosestrife depended on the dose. After 2–3 years, the density of sedges Carex spp. did not significantly differ between sprayed plots (68–322 stems/m2) and unsprayed plots (150–199 stems/m2). Grass density did not significantly differ between plots sprayed with low-medium herbicide doses (sprayed: 80–177 stems/m2) and unsprayed plots (47–65 stems/m2). However, it was significantly greater (vs no spraying) in plots sprayed with high herbicide doses (124–161 stems/m2). Purple loosestrife density did not significantly differ between plots sprayed with low herbicide doses (27–41 stems/m2) and unsprayed plots (36–56 stems/m2). However, it was significantly lower (vs no spraying) in plots sprayed with medium-high herbicide doses (1–15 stems/m2). Methods: In summer 1991, twelve 30-m2 plots were established, in three blocks of four, in a loosestrife-invaded marsh. Three plots (one random plot/block) were sprayed with each dose of triclopyr amine: low (4 kg/m2), medium (8 kg/m2) or high (12 kg/m2). The other three plots were not sprayed. In July and August 1993 and 1994, plant stems were counted in three 1-m2 quadrats/plot.
(Summarised by: Nigel Taylor)
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