Translocation of carnivores as a method for managing problem animals: a review
Published source details
Linnell J.D.C., Aanes R., Swenson J.E., Odden J. & Smith M.E. (1997) Translocation of carnivores as a method for managing problem animals: a review. Biodiversity and Conservation, 6, 1245-1257.
Published source details Linnell J.D.C., Aanes R., Swenson J.E., Odden J. & Smith M.E. (1997) Translocation of carnivores as a method for managing problem animals: a review. Biodiversity and Conservation, 6, 1245-1257.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Translocate predators away from livestock to reduce human-wildlife conflict Action Link |
Translocate predators away from livestock to reduce human-wildlife conflict
A review published in 1997 of translocation studies in North and Central America and southern Africa (Linnell et al. 1997) found that many carnivores translocated to prevent livestock conflict or ‘nuisance’ behaviours returned to capture sites and/or resumed predation or nuisance behaviour. Ten of 11 studies of brown bears Ursus arctos and black bears Ursus americanus found that 45–100% of translocated bears returned up to 229 km to their capture site. Eight leopards Panthera pardus translocated to a national park immediately left the park and some (number not specified) resumed livestock predation. A further animal returned and resumed livestock predation following an 80-km translocation. Two further animals did likewise following translocation over an unspecified distance. Of 25 lions Panthera leo translocated 5–300 km (pooled from two studies), at least six resumed livestock killing. Of two jaguars Panthera onca translocated 160 km, at least one resumed livestock killing. Relevant studies on translocations to reduce livestock predation or nuisance behaviours were gathered for black bear (seven studies), brown bear (four studies), leopard (three studies), lion (two studies) and jaguar (two studies).
(Summarised by: Nick Littlewood)
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