
Habitat selection in translocated gregarious ungulate species: an interplay between sociality and ecological requirements

  • Published source details Scillitani L., Darmon G., Monaco A., Cocca G., Sturaro E., Rossi L. & Ramanzin M. (2013) Habitat selection in translocated gregarious ungulate species: an interplay between sociality and ecological requirements. Journal of Wildlife Management, 77, 761-769.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Translocate to re-establish or boost populations in native range

Action Link
Terrestrial Mammal Conservation
  1. Translocate to re-establish or boost populations in native range

    A study in 1978–2004 and a controlled study in 2006–2009 in an alpine site comprising forest, rock and scree in Italy (Scillitani et al. 2013) found that following translocations of Alpine ibex Capra ibex, the population increased and translocated ibex used similar habitats to resident ibex. Twenty-three years after translocation, the estimated number of Alpine ibex (456 individuals) was higher than the number released (10 individuals). However, two years later the population declined by 75% due to a sarcoptic mange epidemic. Following further translocations, released ibex selected the same habitat resources as used by resident ibex (data presented as an ordination analysis), but translocated ibex initially occupied larger ranges and were separated from resident animals. By one year after release the home range size of translocated and resident ibex was similar, and by three years translocated animals were integrated into the resident social group. In 1978–1979, ten Alpine ibex were translocated from the Gran Paradiso National Park to the Marmolada massif in the Alps. In 2006–2007, fourteen additional male ibex were translocated to reinforce the Marmolada massif population. All ibex translocated in 2006–2007 were radio-collared. From 2006–2009, sixty-seven resident male ibex from the established population were caught and ear-tagged and 52 were radio-collared. Translocated and established ibex were followed for 3–4 years.

    (Summarised by: Ricardo Rocha)

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