Pragmatic management increases a flagship species, the Himalayan brown bears, in Pakistan's Deosai National Park
Published source details
Nawaz M.A., Swenson J.E. & Zakaria V. (2008) Pragmatic management increases a flagship species, the Himalayan brown bears, in Pakistan's Deosai National Park. Biological Conservation, 141, 2230-2241.
Published source details Nawaz M.A., Swenson J.E. & Zakaria V. (2008) Pragmatic management increases a flagship species, the Himalayan brown bears, in Pakistan's Deosai National Park. Biological Conservation, 141, 2230-2241.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Encourage community-based participation in land management Action Link |
Encourage community-based participation in land management
A study in 1993–2006 of a primarily mountainous grassland national park in Pakistan (Nawaz et al. 2008) found that involving local communities with park management was associated with an increasing population of Himalayan brown bears Ursus arctos isabellinus. The known population of bears in the park increased steadily from 19 in 1993 to 43 by 2006. Breeding productivity was, however, low and the increase was reported to be due in part to immigration. The paper attributes the larger population to a reduction in poaching and persecution, linked to increased community engagement in the park since its creation in 1993. This involved recognising local community grazing rights, employing local staff, supporting development projects and enabling local generation of funds from park visitors. Eighty-six bears were monitored. Ten were radio-collared. The remainder were monitored through direct observations of individually recognisable animals.
(Summarised by: Nick Littlewood)
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