Burning causes long-term changes in soil organic matter content of a South African grassland
Published source details
Fynn R.W.S., Haynes R.J. & O'Connor T.G. (2003) Burning causes long-term changes in soil organic matter content of a South African grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 35, 677-687.
Published source details Fynn R.W.S., Haynes R.J. & O'Connor T.G. (2003) Burning causes long-term changes in soil organic matter content of a South African grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 35, 677-687.
The experiment was established in 1950. Treatments (three replicates each) were applied to plots (18.3 x 13.7 m separated by 4.5 m, in a randomized block, comprising: annual burning in winter (first week of August) or spring (i.e. after first rains of at least 12.5 mm in 24 h), biennial and triennial burning in winter, spring or autumn (April), plus no burn (control) and annual mowing.
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