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8663 Studies found
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Study | Published | Actions | |
Spartina alterniflora marshes on dredged material: a critical review of the ongoing debate over success Based on: Streever W.J. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | 1 | |
A comparison of dipterans from ten created and ten natural wetlands Based on: Streever W.J., Portier K.M. & Crisman T.L. (1996). Study Link |
1996 | 1 | |
Translocation of the Middle Island tusked weta Motuweta isolata, The Mercury Islands, New Zealand Based on: Stringer I. (2005). Study Link |
2005 | 0 | |
Captive breeding of the endemic giant flax snail Placostylus ambagiosus in New Zealand Based on: Stringer I. (2005). Study Link |
2005 | 0 | |
Distance-dependent effectiveness of diversionary bear bait sites Based on: Stringham S.F. & Bryant A. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | 1 | |
Long-Term patterns in coastal California grasslands in relation to cultivation, gophers, and grazing Based on: Stromberg M.R. & Griffin J.R. (1996). Study Link |
1996 | 3 | |
Hummingbird sweetness preferences: taste or viscosity? Based on: Stromberg M.R. & Johnsen P.B. (1990). Study Link |
1990 | 1 | |
Evidence of widespread illegal hunting of waterfowl in England despite partial regulation of the use of lead shotgun ammunition Based on: Stroud D., Pain D.J. & Green R.E. (2021). Study Link |
2021 | 0 | |
Translocation and introduction of the Zanzibar red colobus monkey: success and failure with an endangered island endemic Based on: Struhsaker T.T. & Siex K.S. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | 1 | |
Measuring success in primate translocation: A baboon case study Based on: Strum S.C. (2005). Study Link |
2005 | 5 | |
Bee conservation and increasing Osmia spp. in Maine lowbush blueberry fields Based on: Stubbs C.S., Drummond F.A. & Allard S.L. (1997). Study Link |
1997 | 2 | |
Artificial dens for raccoons Based on: Stuewer F.W. (1948). Study Link |
1948 | 1 | |
Comparison of fencing designs for excluding deer from roadways Based on: Stull D.W., Gulsby W.D., Martin J.A., D'Angelo G.J., Gallagher G.R., Osborn D.A., Warren R.J. & Miller K.V. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | 1 | |
Characterizing the suitability of new ponds for amphibians Based on: Stumpel A.H.P. & van der Voet H. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | 1 | |
The clear-felling of sand-dune plantations: soil and vegetational processes in habitat restoration Based on: Sturgess P. & Atkinson D. (1993). Study Link |
1993 | 0 | |
Survival of resident and translocated female elk in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon Based on: Stussy R.J., Edge W.D. & O'Neil T.A. (1994). Study Link |
1994 | 1 | |
Effects of female cowbird removal on reproductive success of hooded warblers Based on: Stutchbury B.J.M. (1997). Study Link |
1997 | 1 | |
Effects of the landscape context on aphid-ant-predator interactions on cherry trees Based on: Stutz S. & Entling M.H. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | 1 | |
Food-supplementation does not override the effect of egg mass on fitness-related traits of nestling house wrens Based on: Styrsky J.D., Dobbs R.C. & Thompson C.F. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | 1 | |
Differences in the structure, species composition and diversity of primary and harvested forests on Changbai Mountain, Northeast China Based on: Su D., Yu D., Zhou L.I., Xie X., Liu Z. & Dai L. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | 1 | |
Controlling access to oil roads protects forest cover, but not wildlife communities: a case study from the rainforest of Yasuní Biosphere Reserve (Ecuador) Based on: Suárez E., Zapata-Ríos G., Utreras V., Strindberg S. & Vargas J. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | 1 | |
Evaluation of halosulfuron-methyl herbicide for weed control in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Based on: Suárez L., Anzalone A. & Moreno O. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | 1 | |
Ecological impact of three pest management systems in New Zealand apple orchards Based on: Suckling D.M, Walker J.T.S & Wearing C.H. (1999). Study Link |
1999 | 1 | |
Introduction of the sugar glider, Petaurus breviceps, into re-established forest of the Tower Hill State Game Reserve, Vic. Based on: Suckling G.C. & Macfarlane M.A. (1983). Study Link |
1983 | 2 | |
Experimental release of canvasbacks on breeding habitat Based on: Sugden L.G. (1976). Study Link |
1976 | 0 |
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