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8663 Studies found
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Study | Published | Actions | |
Translocation of captive-bred dibblers Parantechinus apicalis (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) to Escape Island, Western Australia Based on: Moro D. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Comparing E-Z-Ject application of Roundup with foliar application of Krenite in the control of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) in tallgrass prairie Based on: Milbauer M., Leach M.K. & Glass S. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 0 | |
Foraging by bats in cleared, thinned and unharvested boreal forest Based on: Patriquin K.J. & Barclay R.M.R. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 2 | |
Effects of prescribed fire on herpetofauna in bottomland hardwood forests Based on: Moseley K.R., Castleberry S.B. & Schweitzer S.H. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 3 | |
Control of introduced mammalian predators improves kaka Nestor meridionalis breeding success: reversing the decline of a threatened New Zealand parrot Based on: Moorhouse R., Greene T., Dilks P., Powlesland R., Moran L., Taylor G., Jones A., Knegtmans J., Wills D., Pryde M., Fraser I., August A. & August C. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Eradication of invasive rats on Sangalaki-Island, East-Kalimantan: Part of a project for marine turtle conservation Based on: Meier G. (2003) InGrip-Consulting & Animal Control report, number 1. Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Recovery plans for Powelliphanta Based on: Walker K. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 0 | |
Living heritage: growing native plants in Nelson, NZ Based on: (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 0 | |
Use of nest boxes by Vaux's swifts Based on: Bull E.L. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Lizard microhabitat and fire fuel management Based on: James S.E & M'Closkey R.T (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 0 | |
Occupancy rates and nesting success of European storm-petrels breeding inside artificial nest-boxes Based on: De León A. & Mínguez E. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Nest box use and nesting success of house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) in a midwestern wetland park Based on: Dailey T.B. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
The long-term effectiveness of fish habitat restoration practices: Lawrence Creek, Wisconsin Based on: Champoux O., Biron P. M. & Roy A. G. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 0 | |
Survival, dispersal and home-range establishment of reintroduced captive-bred puaiohi Myadestes palmeri Based on: Tweed E.J., Foster J.T., Woodworth B.L., Oesterle P., Kuehler C., Lieberman A.A., Powers A.T., Whitaker K., Monahan W.B., Kellerman J. & Telfer T. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Mid-term review of the community based conservation in the Bamenda Highlands Project Based on: (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 0 | |
Evaluating alternative rodenticides for island conservation: roof rat eradication from the San Jorge Islands, Mexico Based on: Donlan C.J., Howald G.R., Tershy B.R. & Croll D.A. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 0 | |
Predator exclusion methods for managing endangered shorebirds: are two barriers better than one? Based on: Murphy R.K., Greenwood R.J., Ivan J.S. & Smith K.A. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 2 | |
Predation on adult piping plovers at predator exclosure cages Based on: Murphy R.K., Michaud I.M.G., Prescott D.R.C., Ivan J.S., Anderson B.J. & French-Pombier M.L. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Designing crop/plant mixtures to provide food for seed-eating farmland birds in winter Based on: Boatman N.D., Stoate C., Henderson I.G., Vickery J.A, Thompson P.G.L. & Bence S.L. (2003) British Trust for Ornithology report, BTO Research Report 339. Study Link |
2003 | 2 | |
Cat eradication significantly decreases shearwater mortality Based on: Keitt B.S. & Tershy B.R. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Repellents to deter New Zealand's North Island robin Petroica australis longipes from pest control baits Based on: Day T.D., Matthews L.R. & Waas J.R. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Design and evaluation of a translocation strategy for the fringed darter (Etheostoma crossopterum) in Illinois Based on: Poly W.J. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 0 | |
Intensive beach management as an improved sea turtle conservation strategy in Mexico Based on: García A., Ceballos G. & Adaya R. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 2 | |
Effects of fire management practices on butterfly diversity in the forested western United States Based on: Huntzinger M. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 | |
Marking of deer fences to reduce frequency of collisions by woodland grouse Based on: Baines D. & Andrew M. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | 1 |
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