Actions to conserve biodiversity
We have summarised evidence from the scientific literature about the effects of actions to conserve wildlife and ecosystems.
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96 Actions found
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Action | Effectiveness | Studies | Category | |
Amphibians: Allow adults to attend their eggs Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Allow amphibians from highly seasonal environments to have a period of dormancy during a simulated drought period Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Allow female mate choice Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 2 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Allow temperate amphibians to hibernate Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Formulate adult diet to reflect nutritional composition of wild foods Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Formulate larval diets to improve development or survival to adulthood Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 2 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Freeze sperm or eggs for future use Action Link |
Unlikely to be beneficial | 10 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Identify and breed a similar species to refine husbandry techniques prior to working with target species Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 2 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Increase caloric intake of females in preparation for breeding Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 1 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Leave infertile eggs at spawn site as food for egg-eating larvae Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Manipulate adult density within the enclosure Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Manipulate humidity to improve development or survival to adulthood Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Manipulate larval density within the enclosure Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 1 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Manipulate quality and quantity of enclosure lighting to improve development or survival to adulthood Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Manipulate sex ratio within the enclosure Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 1 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Manipulate temperature of enclosure to improve development or survival to adulthood Action Link |
Trade-off between benefit and harms | 4 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Play recordings of breeding calls to simulate breeding season in the wild Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 2 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Provide artificial aquifers for species which breed in upwelling springs Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 1 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Provide multiple egg laying sites within an enclosure Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 2 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Provide natural substrate for species which do not breed in water (e.g. burrowing/tunnel breeders) Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 2 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Provide particular enclosure furniture for calling sites, breeding areas or egg laying sites Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 2 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Provide particular plants as breeding areas or egg laying sites Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 1 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Provide visual barriers for territorial species Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Separate sexes in non-breeding periods Action Link |
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) | 1 | Synopsis Link | |
Amphibians: Simulate rainfall using sound recordings of rain and/or thunderstorms Action Link |
No evidence found (no assessment) | 0 | Synopsis Link |
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Management of Captive Animals - Published 2018
Captive Animal Synopsis
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What are 'Individual studies' and 'Actions'?
Individual studies
An individual study is a summary of a specific scientific study, usually taken from a scientific journal, but also from other resources such as reports. It tells you the background context, the action(s) taken and their consequences.
If you want more detail please look at the original reference.
Each action page focuses on a particular action you could take to benefit wildlife or ecosystems.
It contains brief (150-200 word) descriptions of relevant studies (context, action(s) taken and their consequences) and one or more key messages.
Key messages show the extent and main conclusions of the available evidence. Using links within key messages, you can look at the paragraphs describing each study to get more detail. Each paragraph allows you to assess the quality of the evidence and how relevant it is to your situation.
Where we found no evidence, we have been unable to assess whether or not an intervention is effective or has any harmful impacts.